Saturday 20 February 2016


I'm not expecting anyone to read this and if you do I'm amazed because my life isn't exactly exciting but here goes nothing.

I have tried so many times over the years to write a diary, I feel that sometimes I just need to get my emotions out and that a diary is a good way to do it. However, I always get side tracked and give it up and so consequently have a multitude of random entries over the years in various notebooks and diaries. However, now I want to change that and have a place where I really will be honest and I thought what better place than a public blog! Yes, I think I am crazy anyway I plan to write a post at least once a week and to be as honest and truthful as possible. I am not honestly expecting anyone to read this especially anyone I know so hopefully I can be completely truthful with my feelings etc.  However, I am not going to include my most detailed information like where I live etc and I plan on changing names just so I'm 100% sure I'm anonymous just in case. So here goes nothing...

P.S. This has no particular structure to it and is just my thoughts so sorry if it gets confusing.

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